FAQ: General Questions

What are the primary benefits of implementing an integrated care program?

An integrated care program promotes cost-effectiveness, better value for patients, and high-quality patient-centered care across the care continuum. With improved transitions, outcomes, and experiences through purposeful co-design patients receive better care. Cost management and a focus on efficient care provide sustainable care and the One Fund allows patients to receive appropriate care in the right place at the right time, with dollars provided by the right resource.

How do you co-develop an integrated care path from hospital to home?

Optimal care paths involve representatives from an entire care team (One Team) with change management support based on patient priority outcomes.  Post-acute historical data can guide how resources are allocated and guide the refinement of care plans to better meet patient needs.  Service delivery is a dynamic process with continuous learning and adjusting of care paths through rapid-cycle changes.

How does Integrated Comprehensive Care differ from current Bundled Care programs?

Bundled care is an enabler for integrated care.  The ICC takes it one step further as it is both an integrated service delivery model and integrated funding model, instead of simply implementing an integrated funding component via existing service delivery models with the MOH bundled care program.  Additional infrastructure and indirect costs such as care coordination delivered by the evidence-based integrated Comprehensive Care Model, can be incorporated in the integrated service delivery design and supported by the One Fund, with patient, provider and system benefits.